We hope that in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, that you choose to support us at our 4th Annual “A Day at the 1863 Club, A Tribute to Transforming Lives” which is set for Sunday, August 17th at the historic Saratoga Race Course.

We are proud to host in partnership with our friends at Living Resources and are grateful to Natalie Sillery, owner of Saratoga Trunk, who will once again present a fun and fantastic fashion show, for bringing us together. 

This event has quickly become a staple of our annual fundraising plan and has a significant impact on our ability to fulfill our mission to provide a temporary financial bridge to families caring for a child facing a recent life-altering diagnosis like cancer or premature birth. 

This Valentine’s season, we are currently helping 6 families – and they are all facing different medical challenges – but all have one common bond – the support of our Building on Love family.