Hope Partner - $5,000
Fully fund a family grant this holiday season providing at least three months of housing and access to care to a family in crisis providing the hope that comes with knowing they are cared for and supported in their time of need.
Comfort Partner - $2,500
Fund two months of housing for a Building on Love Family this holiday season ensuring they have the comfort of knowing their housing is secure while they care for their critically ill loved one.
Care Partner - $1,000
Provide the funds needed to ensure access to care for a Building on Love Family this holiday season.
Helping Hand - All Gifts Matter
No gift is too small. Every dollar will be used to help a Building on Love family this holiday season.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
We help families year round. Every month is giving season at Building on Love. If you would like to learn more about our work and how you and/or your business can help, please reach out today.